Autumn Galopp

- Kategrinknt 5 lval nevezhettek, de egy l csak egy kategriban indulhat!
- Edzeni nem kell!
- Az 1-4. kategrikba csak angol telivrekkel nevezhettek, minden ms fajtj lovat az 5. kategriba vrok
- Csak galopp lovakkal tudtok nevezni.
- Szakgas kp ktelez!
- Aki nem tlti ki helyen az adatlapot kizrsban rszesl!
1. kategria: Sprint
2. kategria: Rvidtv
3. kategria: Kzptv
4. kategria: Hossztv
5. kategria: Vegyes (ebbe a kategriba brmilyen lval nevezhettek, aminek van galoppos kpe s nem angol telivr, 1500m-es tv)
1. kategria: Sprint
- 1. hely: Shirokita, Groove Story, Last Melody, Normandy Invasion, Gay Perry, Lovely Lears, Royal Secret, Big Less, Wild Whistler
- 2. hely: Romany Move, Silk River, Last Dark Liona, Party Doll, Lethal Dose, Boston White Socks, Chance to Win
- 3. hely: Spook Brigid, Light of Shade, Last Dose, Angrove Koda Chrome, Beautiful Sadness
2. kategria: Rvidtv
- 1. hely: May Chemical Factor, Lady Highness, Anger Angel, Tomorrow, Essence Breakout, Chemical Love Strike, Wisery, Rockpaperscissors
- 2. hely: Mad Max, Godl Eclipse, Spirit of Fire, Living's Harabel, El Segundo y Hermoso, Thunderbird, Caribic, Epsom Archard
- 3. hely: Sultana, Chikara, Heartbreaker, Speed Heart, Fearless Fellow, Essence of Speed SH, Essence of the Poison, Snapdragon
3. kategria: Kzptv
- 1. hely: Time to Stand, Free Winner, Hot Crocket, Justify, Sweet Damsel, Hit de Leopold II., Infernal Path, Epsom Achilles, Systemair, Capilla Bonita, True Pussycat
- 2. hely: Jacksepticeye, Hot Presso y Hermoso, Night Russian Angel, Robot's Bone, Milagro's Dream, Lonely Angel, Bad Dream, Aldebar
- 3. hely: Be a Fairytale, Paradox, Shadow Recruit, Between, Evening Attire, Swinging Chango, Midgard, Red Punch,
4. kategria: Hossztv
- 1. hely: Bahamian Bounty, Clarity Boom, Sheza Angel, Gris Damsel, Milagro Gris, Goodbye Kiss, Shakespeare, Precious As Gold, Super Plus, Helena Hawk
- 2. hely: Diamond Maledetto, Broken y Hermoso, Lonely Warrior, Lady Hard, MY Song or Roger, Perfect Crime, Moonglaze, Boyscout
- 3. hely: Last Diritta's Fire, Paranormal Angel, Santana, Evening Damsel, Boisterious Pride, Catlish Trap
5. kategria: Vegyes
- 1. hely: Weak Fantasy, Al Spartacus de Mithology, Kashmeer, Seattle Slew
- 2. hely: Faina Willingly, Voice in the Wind, Feisal
- 3. hely: Gloryhammer, Nadeem alaa Quasim, Shaaban
1. helyezett:
ELITE, Top Galopp Horse in Clover Sands
+ 100.000 lbp
2. helyezett:
GOOD, Good Galopp Horse in CloverSands
+ 50.000 lbp
3. helyezett:
NICE, Nice Galopp Horse in CloverSands
+ 25.000 lbp